Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My First Week - School is in Session!

Guess where I am???
Hey Everyone!  How are you?  Did you have a good Easter?

It's been a week now that I've been here at Uncle Chris's house as a foster.  Whew - it sure has been busy!  I had heard something about "School" when I was leaving the Humane Education Society... but who knew it was going to be like this?

So many classes!

My first class was:  Communication.  

Uncle Chris and Aunt Kate and I all had to learn to communicate with each other.  It's like learning a foreign language!  What's the most important phrase to learn in any new language?  "Where is the bathroom?", right?  I learned that one quickly - they learned when I was asking to go, and I learned what kind of schedule was best.

Grade: A

I've now reached the status of "Housetrained"!


No, not you sit - I am learning to sit!  I'm still not perfect at it, yet.  But I'll learn.  I'm doing my best to learn this stuff, but some of it is difficult.  Uncle Chris says it's important because it is helping us to bond so I trust him and listen as we learn more stuff.

Stairs - Oh. My. Gosh.  UC and AK have the SCARIEST set of stairs I've ever seen in their house!  They are like something out of a doggy horror movie!  They don't have backs on them, and that is really frightening.  I just learned them today.  But check it out - 

That, my friends, is a picture of me chilling out upstairs in UC's office.  I went up those scary stairs with his guidance and my awesomeness!  Of course, I'm up here bark-tating this to him... so we'll have to report later about how down goes!

And a celebration video!  Uncle Chris is kinda weird sometimes...

Leash walking - like most shelter dogs, I'm a little bit of a leash puller.  Uncle Chris tried his trusty Gentle Leader, but I hated it.  So I'm now wearing a pretty red harness thing.  It works pretty good.  It's comfy on me and I don't pull - win/win in my book.

Here's a short video clip of me walking with my harness!

Crate training - what's to train?  I love my crate!  Sometimes I just go hang out in there with the door open.  I sleep good in there, too.  It's my comfy little spot in the world.

Fun stuff - sometimes things are just fun.  I like fun stuff!  Rope toy?  Awesome!  Chew bones?  Awesome!  

Bluegrass?  Not sure yet.  There was a cool music group practicing in the park the other day...

Let's see - what else is fun?  Oh, yeah.  I snore...

So that's it for this week!  Don't forget that you can still help me get treated for those icky heartworms - just click on this link to donate to the Chattanooga Humane Education Society http://heschatt.com/help-donate.php#Save_a_Heart and on the Review Page, you'll see a link that says "Add Special Instructions to the Seller" - just tell them it's for Abbey, please!

Or if you'd prefer to send a check?  No problem!  Just note that it's for Abbey in the comments section!
Please send to:
The Humane Educational Society, 
212 N. Highland Park Avenue, 
Chattanooga, TN 37404
or call 423-624-5302 x 221 for further assistance.

I love you all so much!  Thank you for helping me get healthy - all your help is appreciated, just $5 or $10 will make a big difference!

Okay, time for me to go and see if I can figure out how to navigate my way down The Staircase of Terror.  So I'll see you next time!  Here's a cute picture to get you through the wait...

Chew bones are the best!  Nom, nom, nom...

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

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