Monday, April 27, 2015

My Ideal Family!

Hi there!  Full Cutie Pie mode going on here!!
Hi everyone!  It's me, Abbey, and I'm so happy to see you again.  I have to bark, you guys are pretty incredible.  I've been asking on the Facebook Page for you to "Like" and "Share" me so I can find my Forever Family - and you've been doing it!  Thank you so much, please keep up the great work!

I'd like to talk with you about what I'm looking for in a Forever Family.  It's not a very complicated list - so check it out, because I'm willing to bet three cute little paws out of four that you know someone!
But first?  A Cute Abbey Picture!

Picking out a new toy just for me!
Or maybe two...

I found this Rope Toy - not only is it fun to play with?
It's a pretty awesome snuggle partner, too.

My Ideal Family ~ by Abbey.
  • Active - I like to be part of things!  You're fixin' dinner?  I'll help!  I don't get underfoot or anything, but I do like to be around.  I LOVE to go for rides in the car, and go for walkies, and go to the park!  This week I went to the home improvement store and did super good meeting all the people and checking out all the neat stuff.
  • Loving - I'm a love bug.  I like having my belly rubbed and hugs and stuff.  I'm sometimes playful about my love - I like to play and nibble at toes - but my favorite thing is hugs and scritches.
Cute Picture Break!!!  (C'mon, you were itching for a cute pic and you know it!)

I said I was a Love Bug, right?
Foster Dogs aren't allowed on the furniture,
but it's hard to deny this much sweetness!
Back to the list!
  • A place to be outside - I love to be outside.  I like to lay in the grass and soak up the sun in my beautiful Chocolate coat, I like to roll around in the grass, and I like to watch the world go by.  I love going for walks, too, but would love a place to snooze in the grass!
  • A doggie friend? - I get along great with other friendly dogs I meet.  We sniff and do all the regular stuff.  And I love to PLAY.  I'm pretty darn serious about my play, but the right playmate would be spectacular!
  • School - I'm doing great here in foster care.  UC and I are working on all my skills.  I know how to SIT and DOWN and stuff and I'm working on several other skills.  Can we keep working on that stuff together?  I love it!
That's it!  Not too bad, right?

Do you know anyone that sounds like they'd be a good match?  Is it you?

Let's talk!!  You can contact me on the Facebook Page - just send a message!  Or you can comment here and say you are interested.  Or you can talk to the great people at

Now - I want to bark serious stuff with you for a minute, okay?  I am just a little bit famous.  Why?

'Cause this awesome puppy got a message from GOOGLE this week!  Can you believe it?  They said a video of me playing in the park was so cool that they thought it deserved some extra attention.

Check this out!

(Please keep in mind that Google was limited by Uncle Chris's complete lack of skill, but let me woof, I was pretty excited when they sent this to me!)

More Pictures?  Seriously?  Gosh... A girl has to keep her fans happy, I guess.  But don't forget to click the Share Button thing below this post to share to help me find my family!!  Thanks!  Now here are your pictures :-)

I love to be silly and play!!

I do love to play - especially with my new rope toy!

Gosh this is awesome!
I am not, however, a fan of scary rain storms.  Remember that really scary one last week?

I'll just sit under your desk, Uncle Chris - okay?
Just until it stops raining?

Scary stuff out there...
I got to go to Doggy Camp (kennel) while UC was away for a couple days.  It was awesome.  I got to lounge in the sunshine a private yard outside, and I met some great friends!

No way - it's awesome out here in the sun!

Still sunbathing... I'm an outdoorsie kinda girl!

Hi Uncle Chris!  I had a super time and made some great new friends!!
Okay - Please remember I'm counting on your help to find my Forever Family, so please Share this on FB and Twitter and all them other things this country girl doesn't understand, Okay??

You guys are the best and I love ya!

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,


  1. Stay positive Abbey - your FOREVER family is out there somewhere and we'll help you find them!!!

  2. Thanks Cousin Kay! I'm sure looking forward to getting adopted :0)
    Thanks for helping!!!
