Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My First 24 Hours!

Oh, Hi!  I'm Abbey!
Hello?  Can you hear see me?  Am I on the right station?  You can?  Super duper!!

It's me, Abbey!  I wanted to tell you about my transition from Shelter Dog to Foster Dog, since it's been about a full day.  Then I'm going to ask for your help, so make sure you stay tuned - OK?

So yesterday, one of my great friends at the Humane Education Society came to visit me (like she often does!), but this time she said she was giving me a bath.  Wait - a WHAT?  No baths.  Absolutely not.  Wait, don't spray me with that... Darn it.  And then I got my nails done.  What's the story here ladies?  Am I being entered in a beauty pageant?  At least they didn't paint my nails or make me wear a dress.  I'm more of a sneakers kind of girl :0)

Me and Miss Rebecca hung out in the yard for a little while...

Just us ladies, chilling on a warm afternoon...

Anyroo, then this guy shows up.  I had met him for a few minutes last week.  I think he took me for a walk or something.  Then all the pieces click together.

That "guy" is Uncle Chris, my new foster dad.

Hmmmmm.  Not sure how I feel about that.  But I'll get in the truck with him.  I LOVE to ride in the car!

We got back to his house and went for a quick walk for me to go potties, and I wasn't very good on the leash.  I was excited to go!  And this darned Uncle Chris (UC) guy was holding me back!

We got back in the house and wandered around for a few minutes, then he said we should go outside again.  Hurray!  I love going outside.

But then he put this weird contraption on my face.  Wait, what?  No... I don't want that on my...  CLICK!  Nevermind.

I'm now the proud owner of a Gentle Leader head collar.  What is it?  Well, it's like a bridle for a horse - see, everybody - horses, cows, dogs, you - follows their nose when they walk.  If I try to pull with the Gentle Leader on?  It turns my nose (gently) and I know to stop pulling.  Choke collars and Prong collars HURT - but this doesn't bother me at all.  Other than maybe my dignity.  Darn it.

Does it work?  Well, I mentioned that I was not being a very good girl on the leash didn't I?  Pulling and jerking and choking myself?

This was me just FIVE minutes later with the head collar on...


Pretty good, right?  Maybe this Uncle Chris guy knows what he's talking about after all.  If you see it on me in some of my pictures, don't worry - it's not a muzzle.  It's just a good tool to help me walk correctly on a leash!

I've told you about my day yesterday, but I bet you want to know more about me, right?
Let's see, I'm a pretty girl with a lovely, rich chocolate colored coat.  I'm curious, I'm sweet, and I love to play!  I have a sweet personality and can't wait for my next ride in the car.  I'm about two and a half years old.  I don't do cats, but would be happy to meet another dog and see if we get along!  Let's see, what else... oh yeah!  I have this awesome white spot on my chest that looks like a Rorschach Test Ink Blot.  How cool is that??

See my Ink Blot?  I see a Phoenix, ready for her new family!
More pictures?  Sure thing.  Gotcha covered ;-)

I haven't really mastered the comfy bed yet, but this rug isn't bad.
As you can see, I love to just hang out and be with you.

Yes?  Can I help you?
Until some weird sound peaks my interest...

What was that?  I need to check it out!  It better not be a Katt!
How about another video?  Do you like seafood?  I think I might like octopus toys!


So after hanging out with UC for a while, I went and laid down in my crate like a good girl when he asked me to.  It took a little convincing, but all you need to know is that I like peanut butter.  When he came home later?  Auntie Kate was with him!  She gives the best scritches of anyone in the world!  I love her.

After all my walkies and stuff, it was bedtime.  I slept through the night.  I have a nice crate with a cozy bed, so I slept good.

Today has been all about walkies and stuff.  And bonding with Uncle Chris.  We've been sitting on the floor sometimes and playing and chatting and stuff.  Maybe he's not so bad after all.

But I'm SICK.  Remember how I said I needed your help?  I've got Heartworms.  Yucky, right?  I'm not contagious or anything, so don't worry!  But treatment is expensive.  Would you be kind enough to spot me $5 or $10?  Anything you can spare would be sweet.  Uncle Chris will help make sure I have enough to get treated, but your support is most appreciated!

How to donate?  Easy.

Use the donation button on the Chattanooga Humane Education Society website (don't forget to make a note that it's for Abbey!).  http://heschatt.com/help-donate.php#Save_a_Heart

Or if you'd prefer to send a check?  No problem!  Just note that it's for Abbey in the comments section!
Please send to:
The Humane Educational Society, 
212 N. Highland Park Avenue, 
Chattanooga, TN 37404
or call 423-624-5302 x 221 for further assistance.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support.  I just know I'm going to find my Forever Family with your help - and this way I'll be happy, healthy, and awesome for them when I get there!!

That's it for now - I'll see you soon, okay?

If you are looking for a sweet, fun, rich chocolate girl like me?  Just contact me by leaving a comment here, sending a message to me at UC's Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/UncleChrisFosterDogAcademy, or you can contact the great people at Chattanooga HES at the above address and number.

Please click the "SHARE" buttons below so that all your friends see me - I want them in my cheering section, too!  Everybody should be rooting for Abbey, right?

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

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