Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Super Skills! And a Special Request.

Hi Again!!
Hi!  It's me, Abbey!  I've been working on my skills as I mentioned in my previous post.  School is IN SESSION!!
You want to see a demonstration?  Check this out!

Am I awesome or what?  It's a little bit like "Simon Says", but as long as there are cookies involved?  I'm up for it.  Can't wait to work on stuff like that with my new family when they find me!

I'd like to take just a minute to discuss Like and Dislike, if I could.  Is that okay?

Cookies are awesome!!
Again... I LIKE:
Mmmm... Peanut Butter Rawhide... Nom...
Hey!  Wait... Awww, now look - I'm all sudsy.
As you may have guessed - I got a bath today.  With oatmeal shampoo and a pink loofah.  Ummm, Uncle Chris?  Why is the dog loofah pink?  That's just weird.
But - I was really good about my bath.  I actually enjoyed being scrubbed with that pink thing - it felt good.  But I'm not admitting that to UC.  Sorry, no pictures of my bathtime - a girl has to draw the line somewhere!
Clean Abbey.  We even washed my collar!
But I'm not put off by things like baths.  I love to play!

Who wants to play Octopus!!!

Uncle Chris is completely nuts, but a lot of fun to play Octopus with.  The weird sounds make the whole thing more fun.

I'm so ready to be adopted, everyone - I have a little favor to ask of you...

Can we get 50 shares of this post?  For me?  Let's get me into my Forever Home with all of you helping!!!  Just click the Share area below...  Thanks!

Love you all!

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

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