Thursday, April 16, 2015

Abbey's Exciting Week!

Hey - Are you paying attention??
Hi again, Friends!  It's me, Abbey!  Girl, has it ever been an exciting week for this cute puppy!  Lots to tell, so let's roll right into it, okay?

First, I mentioned in my Last Post that I was doing good in school here.  Well I now have a whole list of things that I'm awesome at!
  • Housetrained - Yes!  Absolutely!  No problem.  (can we please stop asking me about that?  It's kind of embarrassing for a little girl to talk about her potties, you know...)
  • Stairs - I have mastered the "World's Most Terrifying Staircase".  No more leash needed or anything.  Uncle Chris just says it's time for us to go up to his office and get some work done and off we go!  (I'll post a picture in a minute - you'll never believe the Tower of Terror I have to manage so I can nap in his office).
  • Crate Trained - I love my crate!  I like to hang out in there sometimes.  It's my safe place, although I'm getting more comfortable just hanging out in the family room - I still like to be able to chill in my crate when I want.  At night time, or before I get left in there alone?  Uncle Chris and I have a love & scritches session and I get a Milkbone.  Works for me!
  • SIT - I, Abbey, am the Ninja Stealth Master of "SIT".  I'm awesome at it.
  • DOWN - I'll show you a video in a second of me doing this.  I'm pretty darned good at it, too, even though I just learned it the other day.
  • Leash Walking - I'm doing good in my harness.  I love to be out for walks and see new things!
  • Love!!! - You want Abbey kisses?  You got em!  Snuggles?  My Favorite!  I'd be a super awesome couch dog to cuddle with you and watch TV at night (although I'm not allowed on the furniture as a foster dog).
  • Good With Other Dogs - I'm good with other dogs!  I like to meet them, and we sniff and do all the normal dog stuff.  Obviously all dogs are individuals, and we'd have to make sure we got along - but I'm game!  Medium size and up dogs would probably be my favorite, but I might have a soft spot in my heart for just the right little dude or lady...
Pretty good list, huh?

So check this out... I told you about the stairs from the Tower of Terror?  These would even give Alfred Hitchcock the willies!  But I can do them - and I'm kinda proud of myself for it :-)

Wait. You want me to go up THOSE??
They don't have backs to them - I can see right through!

And that video I promised?  Here it is!  Uncle Chris says I'm in "Boot Camp".  I would suggest that he's nuts.  But he is a really good teacher, 'cause I'm learning really fast!  And this is an awesome (albeit tiring) way to eat my meals!!

I'm still learning, but I think I'm doing pretty darned good - don't you??

The other great thing that's happening for me is that I'm starting to just relax a little.  I had been at the shelter for over a year - that's a long time for a sweet puppy like me.  And it was stressful.  I was well cared for, but all of us shelter dogs crave more attention.  But as you can see from the picture below?  I'm settling in nicely - and would love to do so as part of your family!

I was afraid to lie down on this bed last week.
Now it seems pretty awesome!

Now - On to something really important!!  If you have been rooting for me on Uncle Chris's Facebook Page (if you haven't "liked" the page yet, you should go do it - lots more updates about me!!), you know that I've got a medical condition.  I'm Heartworm Positive.  What does that mean?  It means I have icky parasites living in my bloodstream between my heart and lungs.  YUCKY!  But don't worry, I'm not at all contagious - not even by the mosquitoes who spread this ickyness.

I asked for your help - my fans and supporters - to help me defray the cost of treatment a little bit.  It's expensive and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't taking away a chance for another from the shelter to get treated.

You Were Amazing!!  All those wonderful donations were incredible.  Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate said they'd match funds, remember?  Well, with your generosity and that fund match?  I'm going to be treated!!  Yayyy!

If you were watching on Facebook yesterday, you saw a hint... Here's the rest of the story!

I went for a ride in the truck... (all good stories start that way, don't they?  I think so!) ...and ended up at this nice building with really friendly people and some fascinating doggy and kitty smells.  Tile floors?  Swanky!!  They asked us to wait in a room...

UC, I think I's heard something through that door...
So we did.

Seriously, UC... Am I going to meet Santy-Paws or something?
'Cause that would be awesome.
And then I met Dr. Robertson!  He was super cool.  He educated us about them icky Alien things and outlined a treatment plan.  Sounds good, doc... What's next?

Listen? Ummm, Doc?  I'm pretty sure it's still beating in there!
Just kidding... Aren't I a cutie??
So they put me up on the exam table...

Watcha doin' back there? Can I help?
Then came the moment we all dread!

Yikes!! The Brochure failed to mention this!!
I did super awesome with the blood draw, though.  I'm just a sweet girl that way.
Big thanks to Dr. Robertson and my sweet Vet Tech, Miss Akia for giving me permission to put them on my blog.  They were very gentle and super careful with me!!  I love hugs and love and didn't mind the listening or needle poking at all :0)

So What's Next, UC?
So I'm starting "Pre-Treatment" antibiotics to get ready to get all healthy for my Forever Family!!  And if you happen to be my Forever Family while I'm getting treated (it takes a little time to make sure it's done right), the costs of the treatment will be covered.  Sweet!

One other thing I've discovered...

Watching this Hockey thing on TV is about the most BORING thing ever.  Please save me from the torture...

Hey - are you interested in meeting me?  Do you think I might be the droids, I mean DOG you're looking for?  You can either send me a direct message on the FB Page, Comment Below, or contact the great people at

One more favor to ask you - please "Like" and "Share" me on your social media feeds!  I need your help to find my Forever Family, I just know they're out there!!!

See you soon, and thanks again for everything - you guys are the best and I luvs you all.

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

1 comment:

  1. You've got a wonderful Vet team working with you Miss Abbey! Best of luck with your treatment and finding your furrever home!
