Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I'm Adopted!!!

I'm so Happy!!

It's me, Abbey!  I found my Forever Family!!!  Can you believe it?  I'm so excited!

I was at Petsmart doing a Meet & Greet, and they just walked in and started talking to me (and loving me - gosh those girls are sweet) and asked some questions about me.  They needed a playmate for their doggy.  Well, let me bark - I'm the best playmate anyone or anyhound could have!  When they went to leave, the sweet girl who had been loving me got up to go and I cried - I didn't want her to leave!

I was bored at the Meet & Greet - Until my Forever Family found me!

They called when they got home and asked if they could bring their doggy to meet me.  Could they ever!  They came back with Eddie - quite possibly the most awesome dog ever.  Eddie and I got along instantly!  We both take our play really seriously and did we ever have a blast!

I needed to meet a couple of other family members, so we scheduled to meet up again on Sunday - and we all got along great!!

Here's our FAMILY Photo - 

My Forever Family!!

Isn't that great??  That's me and my new people sister (we're already the best of pals), and Mom, and Dad, and Sarah the matriarch dobie, and my new furbrother Eddie.  I love it!

Oh, you're wondering how I'm doing in my new home?  Ahem.  Awesome, what did you expect?

Here is a picture of me in the car - I love car rides!!!

I's ready - Let's go!!
And getting comfy...

yep, sure was hard to adjust...

And how am I getting along with my new doggie siblings?  Well, me and Sarah the dobie?  We might have laid down together and hung out last night.  Sounds pretty good to me.

Then there's Eddie.  What can I say?  He's the coolest brother EVER!!

Me and Eddie - Best Pals!

Thank you to everyone who helped this little stray dog along the path to find my Family!  All the staff and volunteers at the Humane Education Society (big shout out to my peeps!! Thanks, guys!), and to Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate for helping me get ready, and to HES for supporting the foster program.  And to each and every one of you who shared and liked my posts, who wished me well and prayed for me, who donated to help me get healthy, and who cheered me on in my search.  And thanks to Petsmart for helping doggies and kitties everywhere find their homes.

Most of all - thanks to my Family for choosing me.  I'm going to be the best doggie I can be!

Luv to all - I'll update when I can, but I'm looking ahead now at the rest of my happy life!

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

Status: Adopted!

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