Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I'm Adopted!!!

I'm so Happy!!

It's me, Abbey!  I found my Forever Family!!!  Can you believe it?  I'm so excited!

I was at Petsmart doing a Meet & Greet, and they just walked in and started talking to me (and loving me - gosh those girls are sweet) and asked some questions about me.  They needed a playmate for their doggy.  Well, let me bark - I'm the best playmate anyone or anyhound could have!  When they went to leave, the sweet girl who had been loving me got up to go and I cried - I didn't want her to leave!

I was bored at the Meet & Greet - Until my Forever Family found me!

They called when they got home and asked if they could bring their doggy to meet me.  Could they ever!  They came back with Eddie - quite possibly the most awesome dog ever.  Eddie and I got along instantly!  We both take our play really seriously and did we ever have a blast!

I needed to meet a couple of other family members, so we scheduled to meet up again on Sunday - and we all got along great!!

Here's our FAMILY Photo - 

My Forever Family!!

Isn't that great??  That's me and my new people sister (we're already the best of pals), and Mom, and Dad, and Sarah the matriarch dobie, and my new furbrother Eddie.  I love it!

Oh, you're wondering how I'm doing in my new home?  Ahem.  Awesome, what did you expect?

Here is a picture of me in the car - I love car rides!!!

I's ready - Let's go!!
And getting comfy...

yep, sure was hard to adjust...

And how am I getting along with my new doggie siblings?  Well, me and Sarah the dobie?  We might have laid down together and hung out last night.  Sounds pretty good to me.

Then there's Eddie.  What can I say?  He's the coolest brother EVER!!

Me and Eddie - Best Pals!

Thank you to everyone who helped this little stray dog along the path to find my Family!  All the staff and volunteers at the Humane Education Society (big shout out to my peeps!! Thanks, guys!), and to Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate for helping me get ready, and to HES for supporting the foster program.  And to each and every one of you who shared and liked my posts, who wished me well and prayed for me, who donated to help me get healthy, and who cheered me on in my search.  And thanks to Petsmart for helping doggies and kitties everywhere find their homes.

Most of all - thanks to my Family for choosing me.  I'm going to be the best doggie I can be!

Luv to all - I'll update when I can, but I'm looking ahead now at the rest of my happy life!

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

Status: Adopted!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's Time!!

Comfy Abbey!
Hi Again!  It's me, Super Awesome Abbey!

Did you notice the little hint of pink on that picture?  No, not my tongue - silly!  Just behind my ear?  See it?  I got a new collar!  I LOVE IT!

Pink Pawprints!!
It's feminine without being too fru-fru, which fits my personality to a tee!

But we're not here today to talk about fashion, are we?  There's something more pressing on my mind.

It's time for me to get adopted.

If you've been reading My Story, you know I've been in foster care here with Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate for a couple of months and it's starting to feel like maybe nobody loves this puppy... that can't be right, can it?  It always seems like you love me on the Facebook Page.
I'm housetrained, crate trained, I know several obedience commands, I'm cute, I'm playful, I'm snuggly, and I love the outdoors - whether it's hanging out in the yard or going for nice walks or whatever.  What's not to love?

Movie Time...

People often wonder about "The Story" of a rescue dog, don't they?
Mine is pretty simple.  I've been in the shelter for over a year.  I wasn't very good on a leash.  And I'm a dark color and have features that aren't as attractive as some pretty tan retriever or something... Uncle Chris thought he might be able to help me find my Forever Family.

And now?  I've got an awesome harness that makes me a pretty darned good walker (I'm not perfect yet, but I'm working really hard to get there!), you've seen from my training videos how smart I am and how much fun I have learning new skills, and lately I've been showing off my snuggling skills with Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate!  I'm super sweet and am going to be the best dog ever with just a tiny little bit of guidance from you :-)

I like having my nose touch Uncle Chris...

So Sleepy... *Yawn* ...ZZZZzzZZZ
There's one other thing that makes it "TIME" for me to get adopted.  Uncle Chris took me into foster care knowing that I couldn't stay with them forever, but he was going to do his best - see, his work has him doing some travel and stuff that means I'm going to need to go back to the shelter soon.  None of us really want that.

I've come so far and learned so much - I don't want to go back to the shelter!  I want to go live happily ever after with my Forever Family.

So I need your help.  Please pass this far and wide.  Tell your friends and family and co-workers about Miss Super Cute Abbey.

And let's get me adopted, okay?

It's easy to get in touch - just send me a message on Facebook, or comment below, or contact the really nice people at www.heschatt.com.
Okay?  I look forward to hearing from you super soon!! I love you all...

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

PS - here's one more video, just for fun!  Just me chilling out in the shade on my walk.  I decided I'd like to relax a bit on the cool concrete...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Super Skills! And a Special Request.

Hi Again!!
Hi!  It's me, Abbey!  I've been working on my skills as I mentioned in my previous post.  School is IN SESSION!!
You want to see a demonstration?  Check this out!

Am I awesome or what?  It's a little bit like "Simon Says", but as long as there are cookies involved?  I'm up for it.  Can't wait to work on stuff like that with my new family when they find me!

I'd like to take just a minute to discuss Like and Dislike, if I could.  Is that okay?

Cookies are awesome!!
Again... I LIKE:
Mmmm... Peanut Butter Rawhide... Nom...
Hey!  Wait... Awww, now look - I'm all sudsy.
As you may have guessed - I got a bath today.  With oatmeal shampoo and a pink loofah.  Ummm, Uncle Chris?  Why is the dog loofah pink?  That's just weird.
But - I was really good about my bath.  I actually enjoyed being scrubbed with that pink thing - it felt good.  But I'm not admitting that to UC.  Sorry, no pictures of my bathtime - a girl has to draw the line somewhere!
Clean Abbey.  We even washed my collar!
But I'm not put off by things like baths.  I love to play!

Who wants to play Octopus!!!

Uncle Chris is completely nuts, but a lot of fun to play Octopus with.  The weird sounds make the whole thing more fun.

I'm so ready to be adopted, everyone - I have a little favor to ask of you...

Can we get 50 shares of this post?  For me?  Let's get me into my Forever Home with all of you helping!!!  Just click the Share area below...  Thanks!

Love you all!

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

Monday, April 27, 2015

My Ideal Family!

Hi there!  Full Cutie Pie mode going on here!!
Hi everyone!  It's me, Abbey, and I'm so happy to see you again.  I have to bark, you guys are pretty incredible.  I've been asking on the Facebook Page for you to "Like" and "Share" me so I can find my Forever Family - and you've been doing it!  Thank you so much, please keep up the great work!

I'd like to talk with you about what I'm looking for in a Forever Family.  It's not a very complicated list - so check it out, because I'm willing to bet three cute little paws out of four that you know someone!
But first?  A Cute Abbey Picture!

Picking out a new toy just for me!
Or maybe two...

I found this Rope Toy - not only is it fun to play with?
It's a pretty awesome snuggle partner, too.

My Ideal Family ~ by Abbey.
  • Active - I like to be part of things!  You're fixin' dinner?  I'll help!  I don't get underfoot or anything, but I do like to be around.  I LOVE to go for rides in the car, and go for walkies, and go to the park!  This week I went to the home improvement store and did super good meeting all the people and checking out all the neat stuff.
  • Loving - I'm a love bug.  I like having my belly rubbed and hugs and stuff.  I'm sometimes playful about my love - I like to play and nibble at toes - but my favorite thing is hugs and scritches.
Cute Picture Break!!!  (C'mon, you were itching for a cute pic and you know it!)

I said I was a Love Bug, right?
Foster Dogs aren't allowed on the furniture,
but it's hard to deny this much sweetness!
Back to the list!
  • A place to be outside - I love to be outside.  I like to lay in the grass and soak up the sun in my beautiful Chocolate coat, I like to roll around in the grass, and I like to watch the world go by.  I love going for walks, too, but would love a place to snooze in the grass!
  • A doggie friend? - I get along great with other friendly dogs I meet.  We sniff and do all the regular stuff.  And I love to PLAY.  I'm pretty darn serious about my play, but the right playmate would be spectacular!
  • School - I'm doing great here in foster care.  UC and I are working on all my skills.  I know how to SIT and DOWN and stuff and I'm working on several other skills.  Can we keep working on that stuff together?  I love it!
That's it!  Not too bad, right?

Do you know anyone that sounds like they'd be a good match?  Is it you?

Let's talk!!  You can contact me on the Facebook Page - just send a message!  Or you can comment here and say you are interested.  Or you can talk to the great people at www.heschatt.com.

Now - I want to bark serious stuff with you for a minute, okay?  I am just a little bit famous.  Why?

'Cause this awesome puppy got a message from GOOGLE this week!  Can you believe it?  They said a video of me playing in the park was so cool that they thought it deserved some extra attention.

Check this out!

(Please keep in mind that Google was limited by Uncle Chris's complete lack of skill, but let me woof, I was pretty excited when they sent this to me!)

More Pictures?  Seriously?  Gosh... A girl has to keep her fans happy, I guess.  But don't forget to click the Share Button thing below this post to share to help me find my family!!  Thanks!  Now here are your pictures :-)

I love to be silly and play!!

I do love to play - especially with my new rope toy!

Gosh this is awesome!
I am not, however, a fan of scary rain storms.  Remember that really scary one last week?

I'll just sit under your desk, Uncle Chris - okay?
Just until it stops raining?

Scary stuff out there...
I got to go to Doggy Camp (kennel) while UC was away for a couple days.  It was awesome.  I got to lounge in the sunshine a private yard outside, and I met some great friends!

No way - it's awesome out here in the sun!

Still sunbathing... I'm an outdoorsie kinda girl!

Hi Uncle Chris!  I had a super time and made some great new friends!!
Okay - Please remember I'm counting on your help to find my Forever Family, so please Share this on FB and Twitter and all them other things this country girl doesn't understand, Okay??

You guys are the best and I love ya!

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Abbey's Exciting Week!

Hey - Are you paying attention??
Hi again, Friends!  It's me, Abbey!  Girl, has it ever been an exciting week for this cute puppy!  Lots to tell, so let's roll right into it, okay?

First, I mentioned in my Last Post that I was doing good in school here.  Well I now have a whole list of things that I'm awesome at!
  • Housetrained - Yes!  Absolutely!  No problem.  (can we please stop asking me about that?  It's kind of embarrassing for a little girl to talk about her potties, you know...)
  • Stairs - I have mastered the "World's Most Terrifying Staircase".  No more leash needed or anything.  Uncle Chris just says it's time for us to go up to his office and get some work done and off we go!  (I'll post a picture in a minute - you'll never believe the Tower of Terror I have to manage so I can nap in his office).
  • Crate Trained - I love my crate!  I like to hang out in there sometimes.  It's my safe place, although I'm getting more comfortable just hanging out in the family room - I still like to be able to chill in my crate when I want.  At night time, or before I get left in there alone?  Uncle Chris and I have a love & scritches session and I get a Milkbone.  Works for me!
  • SIT - I, Abbey, am the Ninja Stealth Master of "SIT".  I'm awesome at it.
  • DOWN - I'll show you a video in a second of me doing this.  I'm pretty darned good at it, too, even though I just learned it the other day.
  • Leash Walking - I'm doing good in my harness.  I love to be out for walks and see new things!
  • Love!!! - You want Abbey kisses?  You got em!  Snuggles?  My Favorite!  I'd be a super awesome couch dog to cuddle with you and watch TV at night (although I'm not allowed on the furniture as a foster dog).
  • Good With Other Dogs - I'm good with other dogs!  I like to meet them, and we sniff and do all the normal dog stuff.  Obviously all dogs are individuals, and we'd have to make sure we got along - but I'm game!  Medium size and up dogs would probably be my favorite, but I might have a soft spot in my heart for just the right little dude or lady...
Pretty good list, huh?

So check this out... I told you about the stairs from the Tower of Terror?  These would even give Alfred Hitchcock the willies!  But I can do them - and I'm kinda proud of myself for it :-)

Wait. You want me to go up THOSE??
They don't have backs to them - I can see right through!

And that video I promised?  Here it is!  Uncle Chris says I'm in "Boot Camp".  I would suggest that he's nuts.  But he is a really good teacher, 'cause I'm learning really fast!  And this is an awesome (albeit tiring) way to eat my meals!!

I'm still learning, but I think I'm doing pretty darned good - don't you??

The other great thing that's happening for me is that I'm starting to just relax a little.  I had been at the shelter for over a year - that's a long time for a sweet puppy like me.  And it was stressful.  I was well cared for, but all of us shelter dogs crave more attention.  But as you can see from the picture below?  I'm settling in nicely - and would love to do so as part of your family!

I was afraid to lie down on this bed last week.
Now it seems pretty awesome!

Now - On to something really important!!  If you have been rooting for me on Uncle Chris's Facebook Page (if you haven't "liked" the page yet, you should go do it - lots more updates about me!!), you know that I've got a medical condition.  I'm Heartworm Positive.  What does that mean?  It means I have icky parasites living in my bloodstream between my heart and lungs.  YUCKY!  But don't worry, I'm not at all contagious - not even by the mosquitoes who spread this ickyness.

I asked for your help - my fans and supporters - to help me defray the cost of treatment a little bit.  It's expensive and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't taking away a chance for another from the shelter to get treated.

You Were Amazing!!  All those wonderful donations were incredible.  Uncle Chris and Auntie Kate said they'd match funds, remember?  Well, with your generosity and that fund match?  I'm going to be treated!!  Yayyy!

If you were watching on Facebook yesterday, you saw a hint... Here's the rest of the story!

I went for a ride in the truck... (all good stories start that way, don't they?  I think so!) ...and ended up at this nice building with really friendly people and some fascinating doggy and kitty smells.  Tile floors?  Swanky!!  They asked us to wait in a room...

UC, I think I's heard something through that door...
So we did.

Seriously, UC... Am I going to meet Santy-Paws or something?
'Cause that would be awesome.
And then I met Dr. Robertson!  He was super cool.  He educated us about them icky Alien things and outlined a treatment plan.  Sounds good, doc... What's next?

Listen? Ummm, Doc?  I'm pretty sure it's still beating in there!
Just kidding... Aren't I a cutie??
So they put me up on the exam table...

Watcha doin' back there? Can I help?
Then came the moment we all dread!

Yikes!! The Brochure failed to mention this!!
I did super awesome with the blood draw, though.  I'm just a sweet girl that way.
Big thanks to Dr. Robertson and my sweet Vet Tech, Miss Akia for giving me permission to put them on my blog.  They were very gentle and super careful with me!!  I love hugs and love and didn't mind the listening or needle poking at all :0)

So What's Next, UC?
So I'm starting "Pre-Treatment" antibiotics to get ready to get all healthy for my Forever Family!!  And if you happen to be my Forever Family while I'm getting treated (it takes a little time to make sure it's done right), the costs of the treatment will be covered.  Sweet!

One other thing I've discovered...

Watching this Hockey thing on TV is about the most BORING thing ever.  Please save me from the torture...

Hey - are you interested in meeting me?  Do you think I might be the droids, I mean DOG you're looking for?  You can either send me a direct message on the FB Page, Comment Below, or contact the great people at www.heschatt.com

One more favor to ask you - please "Like" and "Share" me on your social media feeds!  I need your help to find my Forever Family, I just know they're out there!!!

See you soon, and thanks again for everything - you guys are the best and I luvs you all.

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My First Week - School is in Session!

Guess where I am???
Hey Everyone!  How are you?  Did you have a good Easter?

It's been a week now that I've been here at Uncle Chris's house as a foster.  Whew - it sure has been busy!  I had heard something about "School" when I was leaving the Humane Education Society... but who knew it was going to be like this?

So many classes!

My first class was:  Communication.  

Uncle Chris and Aunt Kate and I all had to learn to communicate with each other.  It's like learning a foreign language!  What's the most important phrase to learn in any new language?  "Where is the bathroom?", right?  I learned that one quickly - they learned when I was asking to go, and I learned what kind of schedule was best.

Grade: A

I've now reached the status of "Housetrained"!


No, not you sit - I am learning to sit!  I'm still not perfect at it, yet.  But I'll learn.  I'm doing my best to learn this stuff, but some of it is difficult.  Uncle Chris says it's important because it is helping us to bond so I trust him and listen as we learn more stuff.

Stairs - Oh. My. Gosh.  UC and AK have the SCARIEST set of stairs I've ever seen in their house!  They are like something out of a doggy horror movie!  They don't have backs on them, and that is really frightening.  I just learned them today.  But check it out - 

That, my friends, is a picture of me chilling out upstairs in UC's office.  I went up those scary stairs with his guidance and my awesomeness!  Of course, I'm up here bark-tating this to him... so we'll have to report later about how down goes!

And a celebration video!  Uncle Chris is kinda weird sometimes...

Leash walking - like most shelter dogs, I'm a little bit of a leash puller.  Uncle Chris tried his trusty Gentle Leader, but I hated it.  So I'm now wearing a pretty red harness thing.  It works pretty good.  It's comfy on me and I don't pull - win/win in my book.

Here's a short video clip of me walking with my harness!

Crate training - what's to train?  I love my crate!  Sometimes I just go hang out in there with the door open.  I sleep good in there, too.  It's my comfy little spot in the world.

Fun stuff - sometimes things are just fun.  I like fun stuff!  Rope toy?  Awesome!  Chew bones?  Awesome!  

Bluegrass?  Not sure yet.  There was a cool music group practicing in the park the other day...

Let's see - what else is fun?  Oh, yeah.  I snore...

So that's it for this week!  Don't forget that you can still help me get treated for those icky heartworms - just click on this link to donate to the Chattanooga Humane Education Society http://heschatt.com/help-donate.php#Save_a_Heart and on the Review Page, you'll see a link that says "Add Special Instructions to the Seller" - just tell them it's for Abbey, please!

Or if you'd prefer to send a check?  No problem!  Just note that it's for Abbey in the comments section!
Please send to:
The Humane Educational Society, 
212 N. Highland Park Avenue, 
Chattanooga, TN 37404
or call 423-624-5302 x 221 for further assistance.

I love you all so much!  Thank you for helping me get healthy - all your help is appreciated, just $5 or $10 will make a big difference!

Okay, time for me to go and see if I can figure out how to navigate my way down The Staircase of Terror.  So I'll see you next time!  Here's a cute picture to get you through the wait...

Chew bones are the best!  Nom, nom, nom...

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My First 24 Hours!

Oh, Hi!  I'm Abbey!
Hello?  Can you hear see me?  Am I on the right station?  You can?  Super duper!!

It's me, Abbey!  I wanted to tell you about my transition from Shelter Dog to Foster Dog, since it's been about a full day.  Then I'm going to ask for your help, so make sure you stay tuned - OK?

So yesterday, one of my great friends at the Humane Education Society came to visit me (like she often does!), but this time she said she was giving me a bath.  Wait - a WHAT?  No baths.  Absolutely not.  Wait, don't spray me with that... Darn it.  And then I got my nails done.  What's the story here ladies?  Am I being entered in a beauty pageant?  At least they didn't paint my nails or make me wear a dress.  I'm more of a sneakers kind of girl :0)

Me and Miss Rebecca hung out in the yard for a little while...

Just us ladies, chilling on a warm afternoon...

Anyroo, then this guy shows up.  I had met him for a few minutes last week.  I think he took me for a walk or something.  Then all the pieces click together.

That "guy" is Uncle Chris, my new foster dad.

Hmmmmm.  Not sure how I feel about that.  But I'll get in the truck with him.  I LOVE to ride in the car!

We got back to his house and went for a quick walk for me to go potties, and I wasn't very good on the leash.  I was excited to go!  And this darned Uncle Chris (UC) guy was holding me back!

We got back in the house and wandered around for a few minutes, then he said we should go outside again.  Hurray!  I love going outside.

But then he put this weird contraption on my face.  Wait, what?  No... I don't want that on my...  CLICK!  Nevermind.

I'm now the proud owner of a Gentle Leader head collar.  What is it?  Well, it's like a bridle for a horse - see, everybody - horses, cows, dogs, you - follows their nose when they walk.  If I try to pull with the Gentle Leader on?  It turns my nose (gently) and I know to stop pulling.  Choke collars and Prong collars HURT - but this doesn't bother me at all.  Other than maybe my dignity.  Darn it.

Does it work?  Well, I mentioned that I was not being a very good girl on the leash didn't I?  Pulling and jerking and choking myself?

This was me just FIVE minutes later with the head collar on...


Pretty good, right?  Maybe this Uncle Chris guy knows what he's talking about after all.  If you see it on me in some of my pictures, don't worry - it's not a muzzle.  It's just a good tool to help me walk correctly on a leash!

I've told you about my day yesterday, but I bet you want to know more about me, right?
Let's see, I'm a pretty girl with a lovely, rich chocolate colored coat.  I'm curious, I'm sweet, and I love to play!  I have a sweet personality and can't wait for my next ride in the car.  I'm about two and a half years old.  I don't do cats, but would be happy to meet another dog and see if we get along!  Let's see, what else... oh yeah!  I have this awesome white spot on my chest that looks like a Rorschach Test Ink Blot.  How cool is that??

See my Ink Blot?  I see a Phoenix, ready for her new family!
More pictures?  Sure thing.  Gotcha covered ;-)

I haven't really mastered the comfy bed yet, but this rug isn't bad.
As you can see, I love to just hang out and be with you.

Yes?  Can I help you?
Until some weird sound peaks my interest...

What was that?  I need to check it out!  It better not be a Katt!
How about another video?  Do you like seafood?  I think I might like octopus toys!


So after hanging out with UC for a while, I went and laid down in my crate like a good girl when he asked me to.  It took a little convincing, but all you need to know is that I like peanut butter.  When he came home later?  Auntie Kate was with him!  She gives the best scritches of anyone in the world!  I love her.

After all my walkies and stuff, it was bedtime.  I slept through the night.  I have a nice crate with a cozy bed, so I slept good.

Today has been all about walkies and stuff.  And bonding with Uncle Chris.  We've been sitting on the floor sometimes and playing and chatting and stuff.  Maybe he's not so bad after all.

But I'm SICK.  Remember how I said I needed your help?  I've got Heartworms.  Yucky, right?  I'm not contagious or anything, so don't worry!  But treatment is expensive.  Would you be kind enough to spot me $5 or $10?  Anything you can spare would be sweet.  Uncle Chris will help make sure I have enough to get treated, but your support is most appreciated!

How to donate?  Easy.

Use the donation button on the Chattanooga Humane Education Society website (don't forget to make a note that it's for Abbey!).  http://heschatt.com/help-donate.php#Save_a_Heart

Or if you'd prefer to send a check?  No problem!  Just note that it's for Abbey in the comments section!
Please send to:
The Humane Educational Society, 
212 N. Highland Park Avenue, 
Chattanooga, TN 37404
or call 423-624-5302 x 221 for further assistance.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support.  I just know I'm going to find my Forever Family with your help - and this way I'll be happy, healthy, and awesome for them when I get there!!

That's it for now - I'll see you soon, okay?

If you are looking for a sweet, fun, rich chocolate girl like me?  Just contact me by leaving a comment here, sending a message to me at UC's Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/UncleChrisFosterDogAcademy, or you can contact the great people at Chattanooga HES at the above address and number.

Please click the "SHARE" buttons below so that all your friends see me - I want them in my cheering section, too!  Everybody should be rooting for Abbey, right?

Love and Chocolaty Goodness,